Nigella, move over, Mama Gee is here

Published on 10 May 2020 at 15:58

I have loads of cookery books mainly because I love food, love cooking and trying out new recipes.

During lockdown however, it's more and more difficult to get any meat or fish for just two people, and even harder when the hub has stopped eating most meats, and, if asked, wants a vegetarian or a vegan meal instead.

Thank God that he still has dairy products or I'd be scuppered!

Please don't get me started on Tofu. The most overrated tasteless food I've ever eaten in my entire life. Okay, I'd eat it over caraway seeds, lemon grass, fenugreek or star anise any day but it's really up there in what never to eat. It's the kind of food my big brother would say "l ate it once and I had a bad bellyache"!

Anyways going through an old cookbook I came across a recipe for cinnamon spread. At first I thought - how disgusting - another thing I thought that I didn't like, so dismissed it from my thoughts.

I went to bed one night at about 7.30 pm as there was nothing that I fancied watching on tv and to catch up on Twitter and suddenly at about 9.00 pm I was ravenous. Snuck down into kitchen (well can't really hide in my house because the entire ground floor is open plan with the separate front room having glass doors to let the light in to the corridor. But I digress.

Opening up the cupboard what did I see? Cinnamon, so I thought I'd give it a go. Out came the vegan butter, and brown sugar, stirred like crazy then once sticky any gooey didn't know what to do. So added a little milk, then a heaped tablespoon of the cinnamon and some vanilla. 

The first batch was good but very grainy but on hot buttered roast with a cup of tea scrumptious. Now I make enough for a tiny bottle once a week. My liquid gold!

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